Dental Cleaning


Enhance your pet’s health and happiness with our premium grooming services, ensuring a clean, stylish, and comfortable experience.

Provide a comprehensive hygiene, advice and customer service more accessible to everyone, always having the health, quality of life and well-being of your pet as a priority.

Our mobile grooming services feature excellent stylists.

Dental Cleaning

Your little friend will always be well cared for proper cleaning of your pet’s teeth is essential to avoid bad breath problems (halitosis), gum inflammation and pain, or eating difficulties. Poor oral hygiene in the dog can lead to even more serious diseases that affect organs such as the kidney, heart or liver.

During a non-anesthetic dental cleaning your pet’s teeth are scraped above and below the gum line. All plaque and tartar are gently removed and rinsed away. This is a non-invasive procedure that is very similar to when we go to the dentist to get our teeth cleaned. Every pet is treated as an individual and special instruments typically with blunt edges are used to clean the teeth and any areas that may need a deeper cleaning. The entire cleaning is under an hour.

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